monday at noon

I am grateful to RECOGNIZE that I’ve arrived – I truly am in a state of EVOLVING … ever evolving (dare you be your spiritual self, right now!?)

I am grateful that I told someone recently out loud that I was probably the most evolved woman’s he met and it didn’t really feel that vainful, it actually made me feel really proud (you are already beautiful now be gorgeous!)

I am grateful for listening to “The Power” by the woman who wrote “The Secret” – its reinforcing the power of “love & gratitude” and to NOT fear stepping into your Power (do what you are most afraid of!)

I am grateful for taking the time this past week to take a really long walk on the beach, spend time playing with serenity & laughing, riding my bike, staying up late to watch shooting stars on the beach, doing an art project at tybee event, eating food when I feel hungry and re-watching old “30 Rocks” (days end, days begin, life ENJOY)

I am grateful to be learning so much about myself & how much I’ve done since I left NYC all the while having my experiences there continue to inspire me (life is what you make it, make it interesting)

I am grateful that I am inspired today to write my intention statement, start the press release and research marketing videos for Anahata Healing Arts! (believe you can)

I am grateful for all of the people I interact with at the Visitor Center here as well as my NYC apt clients and for being helpful for their vacations. (being nice just to be nice is the nicest feeling)

I am grateful for finding space in my heart for a romantic partner that is ideal for me and I for him (being in love once means you can fall in love again, falling in love needs to happen often)

I am grateful for stepping away from the political discord that is driving us apart and sending Love & Compassion Vibes out whenever I see ANY political lawn signs – – seeing it from the eyes of spirit is much different. The campaign that needs to be encouraged is magic passion love! (free thinking is something to be proud of!)

I am grateful for having so many spiritually like-minded peeps in my life and hearing others speak of gratitude/blessings/gifts (Gratitude is Magic)

10-11-12 Trickydame Thursday Thoughts ….

WOW – what a fun day for numbers this is! Tonight is the LOCAL FLAVOR ART SHOW! Pics will be up later –and I want to share my Art Show Statement.

My intention to curate & host an art show is I am committed to connect local business with the creative community to co-create positive abundant energy with LOCAL FLAVOR! We are living in such an interesting time and have so many opportunities if we choose to accept them. I choose to. I am also excited to work with others who choose to be a part of a thriving and sustainable community and they are here tonight! Who are they? They are, The Artists, the Musician, the Local Business, the Community Organization and YOU!
If you are interested in co-creating other fun events, please say “hey” and contact me.
I look forward to co-creating with you …
From my heart,

I am so grateful to Lowcountry Gourmet Food for allowing their space to exhibit the show. Owners, Kathie Burnsed & Robb Campbell have been wonderful to work with. I enjoy working with successful business owners and these two are. They have an honest working relationship where they each use their skills & talents to run the business. They are extremely generous & fair to their employees – you can feel the respect and it is very appreciated! Asst mgr, Pam has my gratitude too! They work with their local merchants and are members of the Chamber of Commerce and host a booth at the Visitors Center to welcome tourists to town. Plus, they have a prosperous thriving business that offers the public a wonderful product. The Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar is “TO DIE FOR!” Please, taste and enjoy … Bottles make a great holiday gift!!

Some of the artists here tonight are represented by Dragonfly Studio on Tybee Island, and they are; Denise Elliot-Vernon, Carol Taylor, Gertrude Palmer, Brad Hook, Linda Erzinger, James Russell May, Sandy Leinbach and Jonathan Poirier. This work was selected by gallery manager Denise Vernon and myself…and hung with the help of Carol Taylor. We chose these artists because we felt their worked represented LOCAL FLAVOR. Lowcountry Gourmet Food is a “tasting room” and we wanted the art to reflect how one might see See, Feel, Touch & Taste “Local Flavor”. The art work such, as “Peppers, Onions & Garlic and Grapes” were included for being beautiful representation of our food. Collage artist, Linda Erzingner’s abstract “Harvest Collages” express images how flavor feels. “Autumn in the Country” is what Local Flavor is all about; sitting in the back yard enjoying the crisp air under the warm sun! Of course we had to include Carol Taylor’s “Oil & Vinegar” as well as John Poirer’s “Hand blown Oil/Vinegar Bottles” – touch them.

Choosing a Community Organization is always difficult because there are so many wonderful people doing great things here. However, I will be honest that I had a selfish reason for inviting Mollie Lieberman & Loop It Up Savannah to be a part of the Local Flavor. I wanted to get to know them and begin to work with them! I’m very inspired by the children & their parents who are involved with Loop It Up Savannah – this is how we co-create thriving & sustainable communities, allow our children to CREATE! Much gratitude for Miss Mollie and everyone at Loop It Up Savannah for the work you do!

Finally, a big GRATEFUL HUG to Jimmy Wolling for coming into to town tonight to play for us. He’s amazing. Enjoy! Here’s a video from when he played at the Dragonfly.
Sept 1st Friday 2012