I am what I am …I am Joanne!

I never knew there were so many songs with my name!!

I went to a karokee party the other night and there was a song by Micheal Nesmith called “Joanne” and I was like what?! It was the craziest song ever ….I couldn’t believe I’ve never heard of it. So days later, I’m on YouTube and search for this song and it’s comes up a lot! So many people love it – it’s one of “Nez” big hits!

The really crazy thing was – there were a few other bands with songs about Joanne as well!

I love when this kinda shit happens – You learn a word and it pops up! You have a “aha” moment and something switches! You remember how important it is to sing songs about YOURSELF!!

What songs have your name in them?
Sing a song about you today!!

The SECRET is no longer a SECRET!! WOW!

Many people who order their lives rightly in all other ways are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude.

The daily practice of gratitude is one of the conduits by which your wealth will come to you.
Wallace Wattles

Whatever we think about and thank about we bring about.
Dr. John Martini

Our job is not to figure out the how. The how will show up out of a commitment and belief in the what.
Jack Canfield

Everyone visualizes whether he knows it or not. Visualizing is the great secret of success.

We all possess more power and greater possibilities than we realize, and visualizing is one of the greatest of these powers.
Genevieve Behrend

Nothing can prevent your picture from coming into concrete form excpet the same power which gave it birth-you.
Genevieve Behrend

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.
Albert Einstein

Whatever the mind…can conceive it can acheive.
W. Clement Stone

The good news is that the moment you decide that what you know is more important than what you have been taught to believe, you will have shifted gears in your quest for abundance. Success comes from within, not from without.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

New Moon Thought … and Trickydame Art

January 15, 2010 This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is to help us learn more about our selves and what we want out of life. Developing our own personal faith will help to sustain us while we are evolving and becoming the person we wish to be. It will enable us to maintain important personal values while eliminating worn out beliefs that hinder our growth.

Know what’s really exhausting? STRUGGLE — The fucking Struggle!

without judgment on of the obstacles – challenges – choices – vanity – feelings that may occur in your life.

SERIOUSLY… LIVE MY LIFE! That’s all I have to do… and anything that I want…ask for it and do what I need to do to RECEIVE It.. which first just means to ASK!

SO—- LIVE LIFE! Painting and Making Art – – This really is my DREAM – FUCK!!

I easily afford this lifestyle! Creating my ideal life is my work/my job and It is possible to create it on my own terms! I enjoy my life more and more every day – YEAH!!!

Day 42 of the 100 Day Reality Challenge

It’s January 11, 2010 – so many people are saying how powerful 2010 is going to be – how powerful it already has been!!

I made an intention on January 1 to find a part time job by Jan 12 and I did it! Now, I have a few other part time job leads to follow up with as well as some potential creative opportunities as an artist! It feels really good to be seeing the results of all of the work that I’m doing! It just takes time, patience and perseverance …among other things!!

I know one of the reasons I’ve been able to stay on track is because of the 100 Day Reality Challenge. Co-Creating Our Reality (CCOR) is a global community (125 countries) putting the law of attraction and other universal laws to the test.

Here’s my video for Day 42!

Rob Brezny – WOW!

This is the latest INSPIRING email I received from Rob Brezny – (Rob Brezsny (a.k.a. Ray Foreplay, a.k.a. Pope Artaud) is an American astrologer, writer, poet, and musician. His weekly horoscope column Free Will Astrology (formerly known as Real Astrology), has been published for more than 28 years, runs in 120 periodicals, and can be subscribed to for free via email.)

December 30, 2009



with my EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES for the Coming Year.


What new influences will be headed your way in 2010? What fresh
resources will you be able to draw on? How can you conspire with life to
create the best possible future for yourself?

Beginning this week, and for the next two weeks as well, I’m exploring the
BIG PICTURE of your life in my Expanded Audio Horoscopes. If you slip into
a philosophical, visionary mood at the end of each year, you might
appreciate my perspectives on your long-term outlook.

To listen to your BIG PICTURE horoscopes online, go to

You can also listen over the phone by calling 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-

The cost is $6 per sign on the Web, or $1.99 per minute by phone.


“The universe is nothing but your love making.” – Deepak Chopra


The revised and expanded version of my book *PRONOIA IS THE
ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA* is available at Amazon: http://bit.ly/Pronoia
I invite you to go sit under that tree by your street.



About once a month, a miracle will happen to you

Do you have any idea how many millions of years of amazing events it
took to create you?

How the brain got liberated

& since this is my blog – and I’m an aries – here’s MY HOROSCOPE!

ARIES (March 21-April 19): One of my favorite landscape painters makes
a livable wage from selling her art. She has had many gallery showings and
has garnered much critical acclaim. That’s the good news. The bad news
is that she feels obligated to keep churning out more landscape paintings
— even when her muse nudges her to take a detour into, say, abstract
expressionism or surrealistic portraits. Galleries don’t want anything from
her except the stuff that has made her semi-famous. “Sometimes I
fantasize about creating a series of ‘Sock Puppet Monkeys Playing
Poker,'” she told me. If she were an Aries, I’d advise her to do what I think
you should do in 2010: Listen to what your version of the sock puppet
monkeys are urging you to do.